French Connection
HELLO YOU !!!!! Have you ever been to the top of the Eiffel tower in Paris and entered the office of Mr Eiffel and notice a drawing in the wall of a bridge?? No? Yes? Its the bridge of Oporto named D. Maria. The train bridge. Dont you believe me? See the pictures. The reason is because the Eiffel tower is sister of the iron bridge of Oporto, D. Maria. They were built by the engineering office of Gustav Eiffel. There are some similarities. Its Inauguration was on the 4the of November of 1877. The Eiffel tower wal built between 1887 - 1889 so perhaps the engineering behind the tower was developed with the bridge. In our days the bridge is out of order and there's been a talk about making a pedonal path for locals and turists. The other connection to Oporto are the French Invasions during Napoleon rule! Ok the little guy wanted to conquerer all Europe. Its during the second invasion(1809 of Portugal that occurs the famous tragedy of the barch brigde ...